Struggling with consistent prospect flow?

We'll handle getting you quality prospects so you can focus solely on closing deals. Save time, expand your reach, and boost your success rate with our services.

Get pre-qualified prospects

Each prospect goes through 3 stages of qualification checks to ensure they are real interests

Prospects are not incentivised

Leads signs up voluntarily, making them more viable prospects.

Your Own CRM

Manage your prospects easily with a built in CRM so you have a high level overview of each prospect.

Get assigned prospects on a regular basis

Consistency is our main goal, we strive to ensure that you are assigned at least 1 fresh prospect every 2 weeks.


Quality Prospects

The prospects are triple vetted before they are accepted to ensure that they are serious about exploring their insurance options.


Easy communication channels

Although you will not be given their contact until after submitting your suggestions, we have a telegram bot that will allow you to continue to engage with your prospect.


Easy to start

Test out this platform at your own pace. Costs less than $50 to start.

Help members with their insurance needs →

Join whatins today!

We'll handle getting you quality prospects so you can focus solely on closing deals. Save time, expand your reach, and boost your success rate with our services.

what insurance is for you?

How it works

Step 1: Assignment of Prospects

Upon sign-up, prospects undergo verification via Telegram/email to confirm their identity. Our team conducts a thorough background check to ensure authenticity and weed out any fake prospects or potential advisors posing as prospects. This rigorous pre-qualification process guarantees high-quality leads for you. Once this step is done, these prospects is then assigned to you.

Good to know: These individuals are genuine and not incentivised.

Step 2: Curate Proposal

Learn about your prospect needs and create a personalized proposal for them. This is a vital step in ensuring you stand out from the rest of the advisors!

Good to know: each prospects are assigned 5 advisors which allows them to choose the advisor they feel most comfortable to work with.

Step 3: Connect with Your Prospects

Have questions about your prospects? Reach out to them via our messaging platform, prospects will also be able to reach out to you if they have questions. If they like what you have proposed then its time to close.

Join whatins today!

We'll handle getting you quality prospects so you can focus solely on closing deals. Save time, expand your reach, and boost your success rate with our services.