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Fill in your details to get started


By filling this out, you agree to allow us to contact you about insurance related information.


Suggestions Facilitated


Insurance Experts


Insurance Companies

No fuss, no hassle

Advisors can not spam you as we do not ask for your phone number and do not give your email until after they submit their suggestions. This allows you to take your time deciding on the right policies for you.


Premiums On Us

Sign up to get matched with advisors and you'll be entered into our recurring giveaway. You could win 90 days of premium-free coverage every quarter! Learn more


Don't overpay

By getting 5 different advisors to share their thoughts, you can properly compare your options instead and instantly identify the advisors who are trying to oversell you.

Get started →

Hear what others are saying

Phone number really isn't needed!

"I loved that I didn't need to give out my phone number to get great advice. They craeted a telegram bot that connects the advisors to me so the advisors don't get my personal ID”

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Great experience

"I have some underlying conditions and I was amazed at how the advisors were able to give me very helpful suggestions."

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Would recommend

"I appreciate this service because I can instantly see when an advisor tries to sell me things I don't need as their premiums are much higher than the rest."

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Sample Proposal

How it works

Step 1: Complete questionnaire

Answer a few simple questions about your current insurance situation and potetial future needs in order for the advisors to properly provide you with a tailored proposal.

Step 2: Get 5 assigned advisors

We will ensure that you will get 5 diverse set of prospectives and hear from at least one independent advisor. These advisors will not get your email until after they submit their suggestions to you.

Step 3: Help answer any futher questions

Chances are we forgot to ask you something that the advisors need to know in order to properly advise you. They will message you through our platform so help them help you.

Step 4: Pick the advisors that you resonate with

After seeing the suggestions and having some brief interactions, it's your turn to decide who deserves your time for a full insurance analysis. Get one entry to Premiums On Us for each advisor you talk to (maximum 3 entries).

[Optional] Step 5: Buy and qualify

If one of the advisors you talk to end up being the one you feel comfortable working with, let us know what you purchased and you're now part of our perpetual Premiums On Us giveaway.

if none of them feel like a good fit, let us know and we can share other options with you.

Fill in your details to get started


By filling this out, you agree to allow us to contact you about insurance related information.

Frequently asked questions