Finally, insurance made transparent
Discover what people like you are buying and their insights, while exploring your personalised insurance options without sharing your phone number. Talk only to the experts you choose.
Suggestions Facilitated50+
Insurance Experts10+
Insurance CompaniesWhy choose Whatins to help?
No fuss, no hassle
Advisors can not spam you as providing your phone number is optional and we do not share your contact until after they submit their suggestions. This allows you to take your time deciding on the right policies for you.
Multiple perspectives
By getting 5 different advisors to share their perspectives, you can properly compare your options instead and instantly identify the advisors who are trying to oversell you.
AI assisted analysis
5 perspectives can be a lot to process. That's why we built AI tools to help you analyse your options and support you all the way so you can be confident in your decision.
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