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Critical Illness


In today's world, the importance of critical illness insurance cannot be overstated, especially for those managing diabetes. AIA Diabetes Care is a groundbreaking insurance product designed specifically for pre-diabetics and Type 2 diabetics aged 30 to 65. This innovative plan offers critical illness coverage tailored to the unique needs of individuals managing diabetes, providing a financial safety net and peace of mind. With AIA Diabetes Care, you can focus on your health while knowing you're protected against potential complications associated with diabetes.

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Coverage and Benefits

AIA Diabetes Care offers comprehensive protection against diabetes-related critical illnesses. This section outlines the key aspects of coverage, including the number of conditions covered, specific illnesses included, payout structure, and additional benefits designed to support those managing diabetes.

Five Key Conditions

AIA Diabetes Care provides coverage for five diabetes-related critical illnesses. These include Blindness, Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, Heart Attack of Specified Severity, End Stage Kidney Failure, and Stroke with Permanent Neurological Deficit.

Guaranteed Full Payout

Upon diagnosis of any of the five covered critical illnesses, you'll receive your full coverage amount or 110% of the total annual premiums paid, whichever is higher. This lump-sum payout ensures substantial financial support when you need it most.

Special Condition Benefit

Recognizing the potential for diabetes-related complications, AIA Diabetes Care offers an additional 20% payout of your coverage amount upon limb amputation due to diabetes-related complications. This extra support helps you adjust to lifestyle changes.

Optional Cancer Cover

For enhanced protection, you can add Cancer Cover to your plan. This provides a 20% payout for early or intermediate stage cancer and an additional 100% payout for major cancer, on top of the main plan's coverage.

Additional Benefits

AIA Diabetes Care goes beyond basic critical illness coverage to offer additional benefits that support your overall health and well-being. These features are designed to help you manage your condition and incentivize healthy lifestyle choices.

Easy Access

AIA Diabetes Care simplifies the application process for those with diabetes. You can access coverage by answering just 5 simple questions, without the need for medical examinations.

Stable Premiums

Your premiums remain the same throughout the policy term, up to age 80. This feature provides financial predictability, allowing you to budget for your coverage without worrying about escalating costs as you age.

AIA Vitality Integration

AIA Diabetes Care is powered by AIA Vitality, a comprehensive health and wellness program. By participating in health assessments and adopting healthy habits, you can earn points to boost your AIA Vitality status, unlocking rewards including up to 15% discount on your insurance premiums.

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Policy Term and Renewability

Understanding the policy term and renewability options is crucial when considering AIA Diabetes Care. This section outlines the key details regarding eligibility, policy duration, and renewal options to help you make an informed decision about your coverage.

Age Eligibility

AIA Diabetes Care is available for individuals aged 30 to 65 years old. This wide age range ensures that both younger adults and those nearing retirement can access this specialized coverage.

Policy Duration

The policy provides coverage up to age 80, offering long-term protection against diabetes-related critical illnesses. This extended coverage period ensures you're protected well into your senior years.

Guaranteed Renewability

AIA Diabetes Care is guaranteed renewable, providing peace of mind that your coverage will continue as long as premiums are paid. This feature ensures ongoing protection without the worry of losing coverage due to changes in your health status.

Claims and Customer Service

AIA Singapore is committed to providing excellent customer support and a smooth claims process for AIA Diabetes Care policyholders. To file a claim or seek assistance, you can contact the AIA Customer Care Hotline at 1800 248 8000, available Monday to Friday from 8:45am to 5:30pm. For in-person support, visit the AIA Tower at 1 Robinson Road, Singapore 048542. The claims process is designed to be straightforward, ensuring you receive the financial support you need promptly during challenging times. AIA's dedicated team is ready to guide you through the claims procedure and answer any questions you may have about your policy.


AIA Diabetes Care offers a tailored insurance solution for individuals managing diabetes or at risk of developing the condition. This innovative product is particularly well-suited for pre-diabetics and Type 2 diabetics aged 30 to 65 who want comprehensive critical illness coverage without the hassle of medical examinations. It's also an excellent choice for those looking to combine health protection with wellness incentives through the AIA Vitality program. If you're seeking financial security against diabetes-related complications and want a policy that grows with you, AIA Diabetes Care could be the right fit for your needs.
who can provide personalized insights and help you make the best decision for your health and financial future. Plus, by participating, you'll have the chance to win your quarterly insurance premiums in our 'Premiums On Us' campaign draw. Don't miss this opportunity to secure your health and potentially save on your insurance costs!

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