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Protecting Your Income Against Disability

In today's unpredictable world, safeguarding your income is paramount. Stroke, the leading cause of disability in Singapore, affects 1 in 4 Singaporeans in their lifetime. Your ability to earn is your most valuable financial asset, with lifetime earnings potentially exceeding S$4.4 million. AIA Premier Disability Cover offers a comprehensive solution to protect your income, providing up to 75% of your pre-disability earnings in monthly payouts. This innovative product ensures financial stability and supports your recovery in the face of unexpected illness or injury.

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Eligibility and Coverage

AIA Premier Disability Cover offers flexible protection tailored to your needs. Understanding the eligibility criteria and coverage options is crucial for making an informed decision about this comprehensive disability income protection plan.

Age Requirements

While specific age limits are not mentioned in the provided document, AIA Premier Disability Cover is designed to protect working adults. The plan covers individuals up to age 65, ensuring protection throughout your prime earning years.

Occupation Categories

The plan accommodates various occupation classes, as evidenced by the example of Jack Tan, a sales executive classified as occupational class 2. This suggests that the coverage is adaptable to different professions and risk levels.

Coverage Amount Limits

AIA Premier Disability Cover offers monthly benefits of up to 75% of your existing income. This substantial coverage ensures that you can maintain a significant portion of your lifestyle in the event of a disability.

Payout Structure

AIA Premier Disability Cover provides a comprehensive payout structure designed to support you through various stages of disability. From immediate support to long-term care, the plan ensures financial stability during challenging times.

Monthly Income Benefits

The plan primarily offers monthly benefit payouts of up to 75% of your pre-disability earnings. These payments begin after a 60-day deferment period and can continue for up to 2 years, or until age 65 if you're unable to perform any suitable occupation.

Severity-Based Payouts

While specific percentages based on disability severity aren't detailed, the plan does offer a lump sum payout of 24 times the monthly benefit in the event of catastrophic disability. This ensures additional support for the most severe cases.

Waiting Period

There is a 60-day deferment period before payouts begin. However, the plan includes a deferment period reimbursement of up to 2 times your monthly benefit, ensuring you're covered even during this initial waiting period.

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Riders and Additional Benefits

AIA Premier Disability Cover goes beyond basic income protection, offering a range of additional benefits to support your overall well-being and financial security during challenging times. These features enhance the value of your coverage and provide comprehensive support.

Rehabilitation Benefit

The plan reimburses necessary rehabilitation expenses up to 6 times the monthly benefit per disability. This support is crucial for recovery and potentially returning to work.

Catastrophic Disability Benefit

A one-time lump sum payment of 24 times the monthly benefit is provided in case of catastrophic disability, offering additional financial support for severe cases.

Death Benefit

For standalone policies, a death benefit of 12 times the monthly benefit is paid out, providing additional financial protection for your loved ones.

Premium Waiver

Premiums are waived up to age 65 or until recovery from disability, whichever comes first. This ensures continued coverage without financial burden during your recovery period.

Integration with Other Policies

AIA Premier Disability Cover complements other insurance policies by focusing specifically on income protection in the event of disability. Unlike life insurance, which provides a lump sum payout upon death, or critical illness coverage, which offers a one-time payment for specific conditions, this plan provides ongoing monthly income support. It's designed to work alongside these policies, filling the crucial gap of long-term income replacement. The plan can be purchased as a standalone policy or potentially integrated with other AIA products, though specific integration details aren't provided in the document. Importantly, AIA Premier Disability Cover pays out even if you receive benefits from other disability income policies, ensuring comprehensive coverage without overlap concerns.

Policy Term and Renewability

Understanding the policy term and renewability options of AIA Premier Disability Cover is crucial for long-term financial planning. While specific details on entry ages and renewability are not explicitly stated in the provided document, we can infer some information based on the coverage structure.

Coverage Duration

The policy provides coverage up to age 65. This suggests a long-term commitment to protecting your income throughout your working years.

Premium Payment

Premiums are paid annually, as evidenced by the example of Jack Tan's annual premium of S$1,376. The premium rates are not guaranteed and may be adjusted over time.

Vitality Integration

The plan can be integrated with AIA Vitality, offering premium discounts of up to 15% based on your Vitality status. This feature encourages healthy living while potentially reducing your long-term costs.

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Claims and Customer Service

AIA Singapore provides comprehensive customer support for AIA Premier Disability Cover policyholders. For claims and inquiries, customers can contact the AIA Customer Care Hotline at 1800 248 8000, available Monday to Friday from 8:45am to 5:30pm. In-person assistance is also available at the AIA Tower, located at 1 Robinson Road, Singapore 048542. For claim submissions, it's important to note that any rehabilitation treatments and expenses must be approved in writing by AIA and, where appropriate, certified by a physician prior to incurring such expenses. This ensures a smooth claims process and proper coverage for your needs.

Is AIA Premier Disability Cover Right for You?

AIA Premier Disability Cover is particularly well-suited for working professionals who want to protect their income against the risk of disability. It's an excellent choice for primary breadwinners, like the example of Jack Tan, who need to ensure their family's financial stability even if they're unable to work. Additionally, those in high-risk occupations or with significant financial obligations may find this coverage especially valuable. The plan's flexibility and comprehensive benefits make it a strong consideration for anyone looking to secure their financial future against unexpected disabilities.
who can provide you with personalized recommendations and diverse perspectives on AIA Premier Disability Cover and other suitable policies. By meeting with these advisors, you'll not only gain valuable insights but also earn entries into our 'Premiums On Us' quarterly draw, where you could win your insurance premiums paid by Whatins. Don't miss this opportunity to secure your financial future and potentially save on premiums – take the first step towards comprehensive disability protection today!