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In today's uncertain world, financial security is more important than ever. While saving for the future is crucial, it's equally important to enjoy life's moments along the way. Enter AIA SmartRewards Saver (II), a unique insurance product that combines long-term savings with immediate rewards. This innovative plan offers guaranteed annual coupons, potential bonuses, and valuable protection, all designed to help you achieve your financial goals while still living life to the fullest. Whether you're saving for your child's education, planning for retirement, or simply building a nest egg, AIA SmartRewards Saver (II) provides a balanced approach to financial planning.

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Type of Endowment Plan

AIA SmartRewards Saver (II) is a participating regular premium endowment plan. As a participating plan, it has the potential to earn both guaranteed and non-guaranteed benefits, including annual bonuses and terminal bonuses. The regular premium structure encourages disciplined savings, with premiums payable over the policy term of either 21 or 25 years. This type of plan is ideal for those who prefer to build their savings gradually over time, rather than committing a large sum upfront. The participating nature of the plan means policyholders can potentially benefit from the insurer's investment performance, while still enjoying a level of guaranteed returns.

Coverage Customization

AIA SmartRewards Saver (II) offers a range of features that allow you to tailor your coverage and benefits to your specific needs. From guaranteed maturity benefits to potential bonuses, this plan is designed to provide both security and growth potential for your savings. Let's explore the key aspects of coverage customization available with this plan.

Guaranteed Returns

AIA SmartRewards Saver (II) provides a guaranteed maturity benefit. For both the 21-year and 25-year plans, you are guaranteed to receive at least 120% of the insured amount over the life of the policy. This includes annual coupons and a final maturity payout.

Potential Growth

In addition to guaranteed benefits, the plan offers non-guaranteed bonuses and dividends. These include annual bonuses, which once added to your policy become guaranteed, and a potential terminal bonus payable at maturity or upon early termination of the policy.

Fund Performance

While historical performance is not indicative of future returns, the product brochure provides illustrative scenarios. For example, at a 4.75% p.a. illustrated investment rate of return, a 25-year plan could potentially yield 2.00% at maturity.

Return Factors

Non-guaranteed returns are influenced by various factors, including the performance of the participating fund and the insurer's bonus declaration philosophy. It's important to note that the actual returns may be higher or lower than the illustrated scenarios.

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Riders and Additional Benefits

AIA SmartRewards Saver (II) offers more than just savings and basic protection. It comes with a range of additional benefits and the option to add riders for comprehensive coverage. These features allow you to customize your plan to better suit your individual needs and circumstances. Let's explore the key additional benefits and rider options available with this plan.

Guaranteed Annual Coupons

From the end of the second policy year, you receive a guaranteed annual coupon of 5% of the insured amount. This provides a regular income stream that you can use or reinvest with AIA to earn interest.

Waiver of Premium

If the insured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability before age 70, all future premium payments on the basic policy will be waived. This ensures continued coverage and benefits without the burden of ongoing premiums.

OPAI Benefit

The Option to Purchase Additional Insurance (OPAI) Benefit allows you to buy an additional whole life or endowment policy without evidence of insurability. This valuable option can be exercised at key life events before age 55.

Optional Riders

You can enhance your coverage by adding riders for critical illness protection, medical expense coverage, and accident protection. These riders allow you to tailor the plan to your specific protection needs.

Surrender Value and Partial Withdrawals

While AIA SmartRewards Saver (II) is designed as a long-term savings plan, life's circumstances may sometimes require accessing your funds before maturity. Understanding the surrender value and partial withdrawal options is crucial for making informed decisions about your policy. Here's what you need to know about the flexibility and potential costs associated with early access to your savings.

Surrender Value Calculation

The surrender value is typically calculated based on the guaranteed cash value, accumulated annual bonuses, and any terminal bonus. However, early termination usually results in high costs and the surrender value may be less than the total premiums paid.

Withdrawal Options

While specific details on partial withdrawals are not provided in the given information, endowment plans often allow for partial withdrawals subject to certain limits. These may affect the policy's future benefits and insured amount.

Surrender Charges

Early termination of the policy may involve surrender charges. The exact fees are not specified in the provided information, but it's important to note that these charges can significantly impact the amount you receive upon surrender.

Claims and Customer Service

AIA Singapore is committed to providing excellent customer service and a smooth claims process. For any inquiries or to file a claim, policyholders can contact the AIA Customer Care Hotline at 1800 248 8000. The customer service center is open Monday through Friday from 8:45am to 5:30pm. For more information or to start a claim, you can also visit their website at AIA's dedicated team is ready to assist you with any questions about your policy, guide you through the claims process, or provide support for any other insurance-related needs.

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AIA SmartRewards Saver (II) offers a balanced approach to savings and protection, making it an attractive option for various types of customers. Young professionals looking to develop a regular savings habit while enjoying immediate benefits may find this plan particularly appealing. Parents saving for their children's education can benefit from the guaranteed annual coupons and potential bonuses. Additionally, individuals seeking a mix of guaranteed returns and growth potential for their long-term financial goals may find value in this plan's structure.
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