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Whole Life


In today's uncertain world, securing your family's financial future is paramount. Whole life insurance offers lifelong protection and potential wealth accumulation. Great Eastern's Supreme Multiplier Series stands out as a comprehensive solution, providing immediate enhanced coverage and flexibility. This innovative product combines life protection with multiplied coverage, ensuring you and your loved ones are well-prepared for life's unexpected turns. Let's explore how the Supreme Multiplier Series can safeguard your family's future while potentially growing your wealth.

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Coverage and Benefits

The Supreme Multiplier Series offers a robust set of benefits designed to provide comprehensive protection for you and your family. From enhanced death benefits to critical illness coverage, this product aims to address various financial risks you may face throughout your life. Let's delve into the key features that make this product stand out in the market.

Multiplied Death Benefit

Receive 3 or 4 times the basic sum assured until age 65 or 70. This multiplier effect significantly enhances your family's financial protection in case of your untimely demise.

Total Permanent Disability

Coverage for Total and Permanent Disability extends throughout the policy term. This ensures financial support if you become unable to work due to disability.

Accidental TPD Boost

Additional protection for Accidental Total and Permanent Disability. Receive up to 8 times the basic sum assured for accidents occurring before the Multiplier Benefit Expiry Age.

Terminal Illness Cover

Financial support in case of terminal illness diagnosis. This benefit helps manage medical expenses and maintain quality of life during difficult times.

Critical Illness Protection

Comprehensive coverage for various critical illnesses. Supreme Early Multiplier offers protection across different stages of severity, including Early, Intermediate, and Critical stages.

Investment and Savings Components

While the Supreme Multiplier Series primarily focuses on protection, it also offers potential for wealth accumulation. The policy's participating nature means you can benefit from both guaranteed and non-guaranteed returns over time. However, it's important to note that specific details about investment strategies and historical performance are not provided in the given product information.

Participating Policy

The policy participates in the performance of Great Eastern's participating fund. This may lead to potential bonuses or dividends, enhancing your policy's value over time.

Long-term Savings

As a whole life plan, the Supreme Multiplier Series can serve as a long-term savings vehicle. The policy accumulates cash value over time, which can be accessed if needed.

Flexible Premium Options

Choose from various premium payment terms: 10, 15, 20 years, or pay till age 65. This flexibility allows you to align premium payments with your financial planning.

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The Supreme Multiplier Series offers additional riders to enhance your protection. These riders allow you to customize your policy to better suit your specific needs. While detailed information on all available riders is not provided, we can highlight one key rider mentioned in the product details.

Early Protector Multiplier

This compulsory rider for Supreme Early Multiplier provides additional coverage for Critical Illness across different stages of severity. It includes 7 Special Benefits and 10 Juvenile Benefits for enhanced protection.

Premium Waiver Benefit

This benefit waives future premiums upon the first Early Stage or Intermediate Stage Critical Illness claim. It applies to premiums of Supreme Early Multiplier and its compulsory rider, Early Protector Multiplier.

Policy Loan and Surrender Options

The Supreme Multiplier Series, like many whole life insurance policies, likely offers options for policy loans and surrenders. These features provide flexibility in accessing the policy's cash value if needed. However, specific details about loan terms, interest rates, and surrender value calculations are not provided in the given product information. It's important to consult with a Great Eastern Financial Representative for precise information on these options.

Policy Flexibility

While specific details are not provided, whole life policies typically offer options for policy loans and surrenders. These can provide financial flexibility in times of need.

Surrender Considerations

Early termination of the policy usually involves high costs. The surrender value, if any, may be zero or less than the total premiums paid. It's crucial to consider the long-term nature of this policy.

Financial Planning Tool

The policy's cash value accumulation can serve as a financial planning tool. However, accessing this value through loans or surrenders should be carefully considered in the context of your overall financial strategy.

Claims and Customer Service

Great Eastern is committed to providing excellent customer service and a smooth claims process. For any inquiries or to file a claim, you can contact their customer service team at +65 6248 2211. Alternatively, you can reach out via email at [email protected]. The company's website,, also offers resources and information on claims procedures. It's recommended to have your policy details ready when contacting customer service to ensure efficient assistance. Remember, prompt communication with Great Eastern in the event of a claim is crucial for a smooth process.

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The GE Supreme Great Multiplier product offers a comprehensive solution for those seeking lifelong protection with enhanced coverage. It's particularly suitable for individuals looking for immediate high coverage, families wanting protection against critical illnesses, and those seeking a balance of protection and potential wealth accumulation. The product's flexibility in premium payment terms and coverage options makes it adaptable to various financial situations.
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