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Investment Linked Plan

TM Wealth Max: Empowering Your Financial Future with Flexible Investment-Linked Insurance

In today's dynamic financial landscape, securing your future while maximizing wealth potential is paramount. TM Wealth Max, an innovative investment-linked insurance plan (ILP) from Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore, offers a unique blend of protection and investment opportunities. This product is designed to cater to individuals seeking medium to long-term financial growth, coupled with the security of life insurance. TM Wealth Max stands out with its flexible features, attractive bonus structures, and a wide array of investment options, making it an ideal choice for those looking to build and protect their wealth simultaneously.

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How Investment-Linked Policies (ILPs) Work

Investment-Linked Policies (ILPs) combine life insurance protection with investment opportunities, offering a dual benefit to policyholders. In an ILP like TM Wealth Max, your premium is allocated between providing life coverage and investing in your chosen funds. The investment portion, which is 100% of your regular premium in TM Wealth Max, is used to purchase units in selected investment funds. These funds can range from low-risk fixed income options to higher-risk equity funds, allowing you to tailor your investment strategy to your risk appetite and financial goals. The value of your policy fluctuates based on the performance of the underlying funds, providing potential for capital growth while maintaining life insurance protection.

TM Wealth Max Insurance Coverage

TM Wealth Max offers comprehensive insurance coverage to protect you and your loved ones. The policy provides financial security through its death benefit and total and permanent disability (TPD) benefit, ensuring that you're covered in life's unforeseen circumstances.

Death Benefit

In the event of the life assured's passing, TM Wealth Max provides a death benefit to the beneficiaries. This benefit includes the higher of the sum assured or the policy value, ensuring financial protection for your loved ones.

TPD Benefit

If the life assured suffers from total and permanent disability, the policy offers a TPD benefit. This benefit provides financial support during challenging times, helping to maintain quality of life despite the disability.

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TM Wealth Max Rider Options

TM Wealth Max offers optional riders to enhance your protection coverage. These riders provide additional benefits to cater to specific needs and circumstances, allowing you to customize your policy for comprehensive coverage.

Advanced Death Benefit

This rider provides protection against market downturns and offers capital guarantee during the Minimum Investment Period. It ensures that your beneficiaries receive enhanced financial support in the event of your passing.

Involuntary Unemployment and Hospitalisation Benefit

This benefit offers flexibility during challenging times. It allows for penalty-free partial withdrawals and the option to take a break from premium payments when faced with involuntary unemployment or hospitalization.

TM Wealth Max Investment Component

TM Wealth Max offers a robust investment component, allowing policyholders to potentially grow their wealth over time. With a diverse range of funds and flexible management options, you can tailor your investment strategy to align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Diverse Fund Options

TM Wealth Max provides access to a wide array of best-in-class curated investment funds. These include dividend-paying funds for passive income generation and various options for diversification across different asset classes and risk levels.

Investment Strategies

The policy allows for flexible investment strategies. You can choose to receive dividend payouts from dividend-paying funds or reinvest them to enhance your wealth portfolio, adapting your approach as your financial needs evolve.

Fund Switching

TM Wealth Max offers the flexibility of unlimited fund switches. This feature allows you to adjust your investment allocation in response to changing market conditions or personal financial goals without incurring additional charges.

Performance Bonuses

The policy includes unique features like the Performance Investment Bonus, available from as early as Year 4. This market-first bonus rewards investment success, potentially boosting your returns over time.

Fees and Charges

Understanding the fees and charges associated with TM Wealth Max is crucial for making an informed decision. The policy is designed with a focus on optimizing your investment value, with measures in place to limit certain charges over time.

Premium Allocation

TM Wealth Max allocates 100% of your regular premium into your chosen investment funds. This full allocation ensures that your entire premium contributes to potential investment growth from the start.

Policy Administration

While specific details are not provided, TM Wealth Max emphasizes a reduction in overall net charges over time. This approach aims to maximize your policy value and limit the erosion of your investment by costs.

Fund Management

The policy includes measures to cap investment charges, which helps in optimizing your policy value as your investment grows. This capping of charges is part of TM Wealth Max's strategy to enhance long-term investment performance.

Surrender Charges

While specific surrender charge details are not provided, it's important to note that early termination of an ILP typically involves high costs. The surrender value, if any, may be zero or less than the total premiums paid, especially in the early years of the policy.

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Flexibility and Customization

TM Wealth Max offers a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to adapt your policy to changing financial circumstances and life stages. These customization options ensure that your policy remains aligned with your evolving needs and goals.

Premium Top-ups

The policy allows for unlimited top-ups, giving you the flexibility to increase your investment when you have additional funds available. This feature enables you to capitalize on market opportunities or accelerate your wealth accumulation.

Partial Withdrawals

TM Wealth Max offers the option for partial withdrawals, allowing you to access your funds when needed. This flexibility ensures that your investment remains liquid and can support your financial needs across different life stages.

Premium Holiday

The policy includes an Involuntary Unemployment and Hospitalisation Benefit, which allows you to take a break from premium payments during challenging times. This feature provides financial relief without compromising your long-term investment goals.

Adjustable Coverage

While specific details on adjusting insurance coverage are not provided, TM Wealth Max emphasizes its ability to adapt to evolving needs across life stages. This suggests some level of flexibility in adjusting your insurance coverage as your protection needs change over time.


TM Wealth Max is an innovative investment-linked insurance plan that offers a compelling blend of wealth accumulation potential and life protection. It's particularly well-suited for individuals seeking medium to long-term financial growth with the added security of life insurance. This product may be ideal for:
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