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Critical Illness


Critical illness insurance plays a vital role in financial planning, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions. Prudential's PRUVital Cover is a groundbreaking term life insurance plan designed specifically for individuals with Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or high BMI. This unique product offers Death & Terminal Illness coverage up to $500,000 through a simplified underwriting process, making it an excellent option for those who struggle to find insurance coverage due to their health conditions. PRUVital Cover provides peace of mind and financial security for you and your loved ones, even in the face of challenging health circumstances.

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Coverage and Benefits

PRUVital Cover offers comprehensive protection tailored to individuals with specific pre-existing conditions. The policy provides essential coverage for death and terminal illness, with optional riders for additional protection. Let's explore the key aspects of this innovative insurance product.

Critical Illnesses Covered

PRUVital Cover offers optional coverage for 5 specific Critical Illnesses through the Vital Crisis Care Benefit rider. These include blindness (irreversible loss of sight), severe heart attack, stroke with permanent neurological damage, major cancer, and end-stage kidney failure.

Covered Illness Definitions

The policy provides clear definitions for each covered critical illness. For example, blindness is defined as irreversible loss of sight, while stroke must result in permanent neurological damage. These precise definitions ensure clarity in claim situations.

Payout Structure

PRUVital Cover offers a lump sum payout for Death, Terminal Illness, and Critical Illness (if the optional rider is chosen). The policy pays out the higher of the benefit amount or the total premiums paid, excluding extra premiums for additional coverage.

Additional Benefits

The policy includes a Vital Cover Disability Benefit rider, providing coverage for Total & Permanent Disability up to age 70 or the end of the policy term, whichever is lower. This ensures continued financial support even if you're unable to work.

Additional Benefits

PRUVital Cover goes beyond basic protection by offering additional benefits that enhance your coverage and provide greater financial security. These optional riders allow you to customize your policy to better suit your needs and circumstances.

Simplified Underwriting

PRUVital Cover features a simplified underwriting process, eliminating the need for medical examinations. This makes acquiring coverage more effortless and convenient, especially for those with pre-existing conditions.

Level Premium

Your premium for Death and Terminal Illness coverage remains fixed throughout the entire policy term. This feature ensures predictable costs and protects you from premium increases as you age or if your health status changes.

Flexible Premium Terms

PRUVital Cover offers flexible premium payment options. You can choose to pay your premiums monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, allowing you to align your insurance payments with your financial planning.

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Policy Term and Renewability

Understanding the policy term and renewability options is crucial when considering PRUVital Cover. These aspects determine how long you'll be protected and under what conditions you can extend your coverage. Let's examine the key details of the policy term and renewability.

Entry Age Range

While specific minimum and maximum entry ages are not provided in the given information, PRUVital Cover is designed for adults with pre-existing conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or high BMI.

Policy Term Options

The policy term for PRUVital Cover is specified upon sign-up. The exact range of term options is not provided in the given information, but it's likely to offer various choices to suit different needs.


Information about renewability options is not explicitly stated in the provided details. It's advisable to consult with a Prudential Financial Consultant for specific information about policy renewal terms and conditions.

Claims and Customer Service

Prudential is committed to providing excellent customer service and a smooth claims process for PRUVital Cover policyholders. While specific details about the claims process are not provided in the given information, it's likely that Prudential offers multiple channels for filing claims, including online portals, phone support, and in-person assistance at their offices. For customer support, you can contact Prudential at 1800 333 0 333. It's recommended to speak with a Prudential Financial Consultant for more detailed information about the claims process and customer service options. They can guide you through the necessary steps and documentation required for filing a claim efficiently.


PRUVital Cover is an excellent insurance option for individuals who have found it challenging to secure coverage due to pre-existing conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or high BMI. This unique plan offers essential protection with death and terminal illness coverage, along with optional riders for critical illness and disability coverage. It's particularly suitable for those who value simplified underwriting processes and the security of level premiums throughout the policy term.
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